Titan Timeline
Our best teams have always been the teams that train together year round. This timeline spells out for each player and his family the commitment it takes to be a part of South Titan Basketball. First and foremost we encourage multi-sport athletes! We realize this is not an easy task, but we will certainly do everything we can to accommodate this commitment. The multi-sport athlete’s #1 job is to maintain a high level of communication with all of his coaches. If this is you, your primary focus will be your “in-season” sport. However, if you are not participating with another sport, be accountable to your teammates and coaches. Make the necessary arrangements to train the “Titan Way”. Off-season athletes are never off! You need to be committed to our program. Outside trainers/programs/coaches/etc. should seldom, if ever, trump our own.
The following timeline is aligned with the NSAA Calendar weeks. Go to our STBB Calendar for more specific dates and information. Please note these weeks and activities are tentative, but should serve as good indicators.
Strength & Conditoning | Weeks 1-4 | Mornings TBD
AAU Travel Teams (if applicable) | Weeks 1-4
Fall Sport | Weeks 6-16 | Get out for a Titan fall sport!!!
Morning Skills & Drills | Weeks 9-18
Fall League | Weeks 12-16 | Returning JV/Varsity Only or Selected Invite
Morning Skills & Drills | Weeks 9-18
Going Up! Conditioning | Weeks 13-18 | Tuesdays & Thursdays Afterschool
Organizational Meeting | Week 18 | Wednesday Afterschool
Conditioning | Week 19 | TBD
Team Try-outs | Week 20 | Monday & Tuesday
Practice & Game Attendance | Weeks 20-36
5-Day No Practice Moratorium | Weeks 25 & 26
Practice & Game Attendance | Weeks 20-36
Practice & Game Attendance | Weeks 20-36
Districts | Weeks 34 & 35
State | Week 36 | Our plan is to be playing! But ALL players should attend and catch the vision!
Spring Sport | Week 35-47 | Get out for track or another Titan sport!!!
AAU Try-outs | Weeks 37 & 38 | If interested, please visit with Coach Hueser about credible options!
End-of-the-Year Celebration | Week 38 or 39
Post-season Conference | Weeks 40-43 | Set-up with program level coach!
Blue Sheet Due | Week 46
Skills & Drills | Weeks 48-52 | Mornings TBD
South Titan Basketball Camp(s) | Weeks 47 & 50 | Mornings & Afternoons (player-coaches needed & encouraged)
Strength & Conditioning | Weeks 48-52 | Mornings TBD
Summer Leagues & Shoot-outs | Weeks 48-52 TBD