Team Discipline
It has always been our thought that the most important single ingredient to success in athletics or life is discipline. I have many times felt that this word is the most ill defined in all our language. Coach Knight defines discipline as the following: “Do what has to be done; when it has to be done; as well as it can be done; do it that way all the time.” The following is a ten-step plan designed to create a fair and objective team discipline amongst our team. If and when an athlete violates a team rule, school rule, and/or community law they will be placed on a various step according to the degree of infraction, according to the coaching staff's discretion.
Minor Infractions
A possible 1-3 steps. Some examples include the following: foul language, tardiness, irresponsible behavior, classroom behavior, game technical, and/or other acts of "no class".
Major Infractions
A possible 4-6 steps. Some examples include the following: unexcused absence from practice or a game, an alcohol or drug charge, fighting with a teammate or another student, failure in the classroom according to the NSAA eligibility requirements.
Steps 1-3
“Titan Reminder(s)”: first offense – 1 in 1, second offense – 3 in 3, and third offense – 5 in 5, fourth offense – 10 in 10, etc.
Steps 4-6
“Titan Reminder(s)”, possible playing time suspension and possible demotion.
Steps 7-9
“Titan Reminder(s)”, definite game suspension, definite demotion, and possible dismissal from the team.
Step 10
Definite dismissal from the team!
Coach's Corner
When we go out on the court, that's our stage.
Out there we're supposed to perform as we practiced.
We don't want anybody making up new lines, putting on his own act!