Strength Training
Strength training is becoming more and more important for high school and college basketball players. Much of what we do has been adopted from the University of Nebraska's Husker Power Make the Play system. Prior to beginning your strength and explosion exercises, always be sure to properly stretch.
Base Phase
The primary objective of this phase is to build lean muscle mass and improve work capacity. The base consists of high volume and low intensity workouts that develop muscle hypertrophy.
Weeks 1 - 4
3 sets of 10 repetitions
65% (2) 70% (3) 75%
Development Phase
The primary objective of this phase is to build on the base established in the previous phase by decreasing volume and increasing the intensity of conditioning. A few single jointed exercises are still included at the end of the workouts to help maintain muscle size.
Weeks 5-8
3 sets of 5 repetitions
75% (2) 80% (3) 85%
Peak Phase
The primary objective is to peak for the basketball season. The explosive lifts to improve power are the major focus of the strength program. Single jointed exercises should be dropped completely to conserve energy and to prevent over training.
Weeks 9-12
3 sets of 3 repetitions
80% (2) 85% (3) 90%
Hard – Easy System
You make more progress over longer periods of time if you do not work at maximum loads during each workout. With the Hard-Easy System, over training and mental burnout are eliminated. There is only one hard workout per week for each exercise movement. The other days are light workouts, in which the volume and/or intensity are reduced.
Split Routine
The split routine is a very efficient and widely used routine in stimulating gains. It simply means that you split the program and work exercises on alternate days. This allows time for the body to recover and rebuild from one type of exercise movement while a different type of exercise movement is performed.
Explosion Lifts: Monday & Thursday
Strength Lifts: Tuesday & Friday
Rest on Wednesday
Explosion Exercises | Click HERE for Detailed Description
Hang Clean
Power Press
Hammer Jammer Extension
Upright Row
Jammer Rotation
Trunk Twist
Strength Exercises | Click HERE for Detailed Description
Bench Press
Jammer Press
Lat Pulldown
Barbell Curl