Practice Time
Team play comes from integrating well-conditioned athletes who have mastered fundamentals into a smooth-working and cohesive unit. Practice time will be organized. Individual drills will last around five minutes. Team drills will last around ten minutes. They will be designed to simulate game situations; thus, athletes are expected to work at game pace. The following guidelines have been established concerning practice.
Snow Days
Never assume we will not practice on a “snow day”. It will be a judgment call on behalf of the staff and administration.
It is your responsibility to contact your coach and find out when practice may be held.
Obviously, if road conditions prevent safe travel to and from school, such an absence will be “excused”.
Excused Absences
Practice time is very important! We do not expect any of our athletes to miss practice unless it is due to a family emergency.
We understand this is a big commitment for the player and his family, but hopefully one that is well-worth it when it is all said and done.
However, if you do have to miss practice due to a school-related event and/or family emergency, you are required to notify your coach ahead of time. Failure to do so will result in make-up work and possible demotion.
If you are ill and stay home from school, please have someone email or text your coach before practice or game time. Notifications after the fact will be treated as an unexcused.
If you become ill at school, leave word with your coach before leaving the building.
Unexcused Absences
Being punctual is also very important. Each tardy earns the following “Titan Reminder(s)”: first offense – 1 in 1, second offense – 3 in 3, and third offense – 5 in 5, fourth offense – 10 in 10. Five tardies is considered an unexcused absence!
One unexcused absence will result in make-up work (20 in 20) and possible demotion.
Two unexcused absences will result in make-up work (30 in 30), definite demotion, and/or possible dismissal from the team.
Three unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the team.
The coaching staff frowns upon additional club sports, skiing and other dangerous activities during the season.
Practice Time
If the whistle blows and your coach holds a fist in the air, sprint and circle up around him. An open hand simply means to stop what you are doing and listen.
Players are required to run to and from every drill. Do not walk! Nor do we sit down. Remain standing and attentive throughout the entire practice time.
Players are required to check with a coach if you need to leave the gym or get a drink.
Practice matters. One motto is, “Do the job in practice, have the job in games.”
Practice gear will be furnished. Shorts must not sag and will remain at waist level. Failure to comply will result in a “Titan Reminder(s)”.
"If you're not running, you're talking. If you're not talking, you're clapping!"