To My Players,
I know it’s been several days since we were breaking bread together, (Caine’s toast that is;) but as many of you know I am a processor. It takes me a little longer than most to align my heart with my head.
First of all, for the remainder of this letter when I use the pronoun 'I' please note I also mean 'We'. I coach alongside some of the best coaches on the planet. This is not about me, but I am the one writing this letter:)
I am very PROUD of you. ALL of YOU! When I chose GRATITUDE as my One Word for the year I had no idea it would impact me like it has. For starters, I am so thankful for you guys. I told the coaches the other day I’ve NEVER finished a year (31+) so sure of our team's TOGETHERNESS. It moves me to tears every time I think of it. As Coach Cooley said once this fall, “It’s the people! We have good people.” YOU matter! Yes, I’m talking to YOU. YOU MATTER!!!
I haven’t even mentioned your family and close friends connected to our program. They were nothing short of amazing! Not one parent-coach issue. Oh, sure there were uncomfortable moments. Maybe a disagreement or 2 or 5;) That’s bound to happen in a family this size. I’m guessing you have some of those friction moments at home every so often?:)
The key PILLAR in all of this is HUMILITY. Do I have to remind you how we define this trait? (Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less:) Event after event, response after response, you placed a greater price tag on your teammates than yourself. Basketball is a TEAM game. It's so much better to have a 'GIVE' attitude, rather than 'GET, GET, GET'. That heart posture of yours, on and off the court, put us in position to have a FABULOUS year at all levels! I am so proud of you.
Did you also work hard and persevere? Of course you did! For that I am also grateful. All of those June days and Fall mornings were tremendous sacrifices. But as Coach Sy often reminds us, “No Sacrifice = No Victory!” Everyone has to have staying power. Everyone. It’s the price for admission. Just to get in the door we have to bust our butts.
Nothing great
was ever achieved
We all know that. Our passion for the game and love for each other is our motivation.
There was not ONE day that any of us (coaches) did not want to be at practice and coach you up. NOT 1. To be transparent, we can’t always say that. Some years are harder than others. But not this year. YOU made it a JOYOUS year! YOUR attitude. YOUR passion. YOUR love for each other made this... A SEASON TO REMEMBER!
I hope this Coronavirus doesn’t last too long. I already miss you guys. Please text or call or visit. You don’t even have to need anything…
Just. Stop. By.
I/We Love You - 143;)