Today marked our last "Skills&Drills" session. We had terrific help from current Titan players Graham Cassoutt, Jacob Grafelman, Chase Lett and Andrew Thomas! A big thanks to Ben Williams for being there too. I sure hope all of our Jr. Titan players and parents understand how much time Ben puts in to making the Jr. Titans a successful program and positive experience for all of us. Let's tell him so. Great job, Coach Ben!
We have plenty of highlights in this video. One of which features Coach Cooley teaching the Pullback Crossover Move.
Below is Sunday's outline of what we set out to accomplish:
Thought for the Day: ACE Factor
Attitude - Click Here
Concentration - Click Here
Effort - Click Here
Form Shooting Progression - Click Here
The Art of Shooting - Click Here
Beat the Pro
Shooter begins the game with a freethrow. If it is made, he receives one point. If it is missed, the pro receives three points.
Shooter scores one point for a made field goal and two points for a swish. If the shot is missed the pro gets two points.
First one to ten loses. Shoot game shots at game speed.
Running Horse
Just like regular H-O-R-S-E, but shooters create a game-like condition by constantly staying in motion.
Each player needs a ball.
Partner A shoots, follows his shot hard, and tries not to let it touch the floor. Partner B follows.
Click Here for more great shooting drills!
Fullcourt Moves on the Move - Click Here
Fastbreak League - Click Here
We want to wish all of our Jr. Titan teams the best of luck this season. There is nothing more rewarding than a team that plays hard, smart and together!
Go Titans.