Dates for the PL-South Titan Basketball Camps have been announced:
Boys in grades 9-10-11-12 will meet for two weeks, June 6-9 and June 20-23, from 9:30am to 12:00pm.
Boys in grades 6-7-8 will meet June 6-9 from 1:00 to 3:00pm.
Boys in grades 3-4-5 will June 20-23 from 1:00 to 3:00pm.
This year our youngest campers will not have to hoist up shots to a 10' hoop! Adjustable baskets have been purchased.
The aim of each camp, under the supervision of Papio South head coach Joel Hueser, is to teach and develop fundamental basketball skills, team play and motivation.
On-line registration is available by clicking here. For more information visit our camp webpage and/or contact Coach Hueser.

Don't forget to watch this throw back video (above) of our very own Jimmy Nekola capturing the 2011 Dribble Tag Championship!