Above the Line
"Too many people waste their technical ability because their personal behavior is on auto-pilot."
~Brian Kight

The performance of a team rises and falls on behavior. Our behavior is either intentional (Above the Line) or impulsive (Below the Line).
Above the Line Behavior
It takes tremendous mental toughness to consistently stay Above the Line!
Below the Line Behavior
This is out default mode (Human Nature)
On autopilot
B-C-D Behavior
Blame others
Complain about circumstances
Defend yourself
Above the Line is what we strive to be!
It can't be situational
It must be a conscious decision
It's as simple as controlling our own thoughts and behavior
Examples of B-C-D Behavior:
"No way could they have scored if the help defense had supported me the way he was supposed to."
"Coach has no clue what I can do. I've got to get out of here and go where I'm appreciated."
"It's not my fault we don't have the talent we need to be competitive. My teammates just aren't very good."
"If I had a point guard who would pass me the ball, I'd be the best player in the conference."
Self-Reflection Questions:
In what areas of life do I/we struggle being Above the Line?
In what areas of basketball do I/we struggle being Above the Line?
Who are examples of people living Above the Line?
Adapted from Focus 3 Culture